
Talk detail

Vom Freelancer zur eigenen Agentur

Sales & Marketing
Business Growth & Strategy
Endlich AM Unternehmen, statt IM Projekt arbeiten! Du willst raus aus dem (goldenen) Hamsterrad als Freelancer? Du fühlst dich eher als besser bezahlter Angestellter und sitzt immer noch in belanglosen Meetings? In diesem Talk erfährst du, welche 5 einfachen Schritte du gehen kannst, um dem ein Ende zu setzen! Bau' dir dein Dreamteam auf, entkopple deine Zeit aus Projekten und setze das um, wovon viele nur reden: Endlich -wirklich- Skalieren! Mehr Freiheit, mehr finanzielle Mittel - und vor allem: weniger BS Meetings ;)

Main Stage

About the speaker

Thomas Marbella

CEO at OneCode

With a pioneering start as an app developer during the startup of Android 1.0 in 2008, Thomas quickly made a name for himself in the tech world. He honed his skills at top corporations like Porsche, Groupon, and Mercedes over a decade, where his talent flourished despite the setbacks of unfulfilled corporate promises. In 2019, driven by a desire for greater autonomy and transparency, he embraced freelancing and founded his own team in 2020: OneCode. Now leading a dynamic team of fifteen developers, Thomas and OneCode offer their expertise to high-profile clients such as Spotify and Bumble, enhancing their software solutions with superior code. Committed to the ethos that 'sharing is caring,' OneCode actively contributes to the freelancer community by sharing their projects and insights, fostering a spirit of collaboration and growth.